walaupun aku bukan pro kerajaan but aku memang benci karpal. asal bukak tv, tgk surat khabar je rasa benci sgt. dia adalah musuh islam kata nyaaaa laaaa oleh mainstream media
and when he died, i dont feel anything because as i told u, i dont like him. such a typical non muslim yg benci islam dan undang2 islam
i am wrong. aku salah besar
aku tengok balik yg he was such a pejuang kebenaran. very outspoken
kenapa nak pelik bila non muslim tolak hukum islam? sedang kan org islam, so called pejuang melayu dan islam sendiri pun tolak?
yes of course benci bila org insult islam and tolak hukum islam but i feel that it more too much when muslim sendiri yg macam tu
tak kira pro kerajaan dan pembangkang
karpal is a very excellent lawyer with a high profile cases. please google his history
kena penjara, insult, excident, lumpuh, but he still stand on his own way
tak perlu berada di pihak opposition kalau nak hidup senang. u never be
another 1 that i know that karpal sendiri bela seorang pekerja gov di perak on 1980s bila seorang wanita diberhentikan kerja dari sektor gov kerana pakai tudung
and his service towards people mostly org awam mostly free of charge, ye FREE OF CHARGE
and his service towards people mostly org awam mostly free of charge, ye FREE OF CHARGE
im not a fan of karpal but at least when people died, please dont insult. betapa zalim jahat nye dia, just let them be. dah mati kan so nak apa lagi? jgn lah jd mcm MP langkawi tu. A LEADER SHOULD NOT ACT LIKE HIM. PITY ON HIS VOTERS
kata nya karpal mati, maka undang2 islam boleh dijalankan
HAHAHA besar nye kuasa karpal ye dak. dia ni PM ke sampai nak tunggu mati baru boleh jalan kn undang2 islam?
perlu ke sampai nk "jom langkah mayat dia ramai2"
u make yourself look stupid, stupid and stupid
perlu ke sampai nk "jom langkah mayat dia ramai2"
u make yourself look stupid, stupid and stupid
please dont be too typical especially org melayu.
open your eyes, think deep and deep
see with your heart on what is happening now to our country