Wednesday, May 22, 2013

random error


hi everybody. pabila 2 hari lepas hujan je dan sejuk maka hari ni cuaca amat panas.

by the way. yes i regret to be too honest to write. if i decide to tell the reasons, it will drag a few people. my mistake yes i admit. as not to make this things complicated, just think that it was my mistake. and if u sure u are not, don't bother!

i just hold with 1 thing, what u give and u will get back.

eg: 10 years back punye cite. lepak petang bersama faiza. lokasi nye depan umah. aku baru nak mengumpat si jejaka A kerana dia sangat poyo sebagai pengawas dan juga sombing dengan perempuan. serta merta aku hampir jatuh longkang. len kali mulut tu jage. haa gitu. 


so now, i think of having fun before i receive any offer to start working. just wait while having fun and do my favorite things.

sleeping time. don't make a habit with stay up lewat malam. berjaga tengah malam punca badan lemah.

untung la unemployed kan, setiap hari pun post entry baru. masa intern, almost 2 bulan aku tak jejak blog. hampeh.

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