Monday, August 26, 2013

any recommendation of skincare product for me?


my facial cleanser that i use is L'Oreal

i used for a long time, around 2 years kot. and this is the best cleanser that i found after used several brands.

sebelum ni ada la aku guna nutox, and apa tah, lupa. lupa sebab kesan dia tak se-best L'Oreal ni. then i tried to use sabun yg beli kat padang besaq yg collagen yg gila2 org jual rm30 seketul padahal kat kat padang besaq tu sepuluh hengget je pun and boleh mintak kurang lagi. ni haa dia..

kesan nya? muka tak berminyak and tak kering, neutral je. TAPI lepas tu jerawat naik banyak nak mam kat dahi aku, sampai tak putus2. kenapa aku try sabun kaler2 ni? sebab aku nk get rid of using L'Oreal product. L'Oreal supports Jew by war against Muslim all over the world. and Muslim is my brothers and sisters T_T
hey, kalau tak pecaye, google it yourself. 

and kesimpulan nya, sabun kaler2 kolagen tu rejected since jerawat tumbuh dan jugak lama2 kulit tak se-flawless biasa. muahahaha

same with nutox, kulit nampak hidup segan mati idok mahu. still cannot beat the L'Oreal T_T

so do u know which product that can i try? yg boleh lawan L'Oreal punye?

and another 1 yg aku guna currently is this 1

ini pun sama daebak dgn yg mcm kat atas tu. night cream. best. aku beli lepas habis yg atas tu. L'Oreal is a product that i can't resist of use it. it's worth. not so expensive and the result is nice!

another product of L'Oreal yg aku PENAH GUNA DULU ialah revitalift double lifting. wa cakap lu memang daebak gile lah. ini aku guna since last year. beli sekali, sebotol je tapi seriuos daebak wa cakap lu. lepas habis, tak beli dah sebab rasa bersalah dan this one tak perlu sangat compare than cleanser tu. ni dia haaa

malam2 aku tempek kat muka se-minimize boleh sbb nak saving. since guna ni, aku gi class hari2 tak perlu pakai bedak tebal2 sbb dah rasa ok je tak hodoh la nak keluar menonjolkan diri. haha

the best part was my ex-roomate, mira ada tegur aku pakai product apa. ihiks. 

how can i bought this product? 1 day aku gi watson nak beli yg eye revitalift punya. sekali cemane tah terbeli yg salah, beli utk muka. so i is redah pakai je. 

shampoo pun aku guna jugak dulu tapi tak berapa daebak so willing to use another brand. 

see, i can switch to another brand if i found it worth. kalau ada brand yg lagi bagus dari si L'Oreal ni memang aku guna. asal harga murah atau sama.

but people, if u know any other product yg bagus setanding L'Oreal, tell me and i will consider to try. ada ;ah jugak aku berkenan 1 product ni, japan or korea made. harga mahal sikit. tp macam susah nak order2. aku nak gi kedai angkat terus haaa senang.

so any suggestion?

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