Tuesday, March 16, 2010

try this now~!

Currently, youthsay.com Malaysia organizes a very useful campaign called (IM) PROVE YOUR ENGLSH.

U can survey how good is your English by click here guys~

Selain tu, korang pun bleh la spend few minutes untuk ambil fun test ni. U can click here to challenge yourself~

Test yang korang jawab tu provided by jobstreet and sangat sesuai la kalau nak test comprehension, vocabulary and grammar kita since english is our second language.

youthsay.com tu apa la kan?

korang boleh click kt sini untuk dapat information sahih daripada aku explain very whatever merepek.

korang pun boleh click sini untuk join. it's free, boleh explore and macam2 adaa and boleh jugak tambah pendapatan sikit2 =p

"it's about time you get rewarded"

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