assalamualaikum wbt...
second entry for today, nampak sangat aku free kan? ;)
jumaat malam yg heaven! baru siap 2 reports dan done with mandarin oral test yesterday ^^
harus lah berfoya foya sebentar di hadapan laptop buat seketika
(padahal tiap2 hari kau berfoya foya depan laptop)
ohh ye, cakap pasal mandarin, petang tadi aku pegi giant,singgah jap nak beli earphone.. taukey chinese, peramah la, young guy. i went in, then that guy went to ask his friend, a chinese too. then he told his friend in mandarin, then he asked me "putih nye u? mak u chinese ke?" naseb aku tak muntah.. aku jawab la "tak lah, nenek i chinese". bangga pulak aku 5 minit. haha. tapi benda macam ni dah banyak kali jadi. siap cakap cina lagi.. :)) ehh nanti aku buat entry laen pasal aksi perasan ni..
usai sudah meng-edit gambar raya tadi, put watermark here and there.. yes, aku fobia since penah orang copy gambar dari friendster aku dulu buat default picture dia. even bukan gambar aku, it's ququ's picture but it's still my picture kan.
ni kan pulak aku letak baaaaaaaaaaanyak gambar nanti, ramai orang, cantek hensem sume ada.. at least kalau aku letak watermark and orang copy, aku boleh claim yg tu picture aku.
gambar ni la yg penah orang amik dan buat sebagai profile picture sendiri..
haha, lawak pulak teringat balik
yes it's a risk once u put, u uploaded your picture but if people do think about others privacy, they won't do that silly misbehavior kan?
panjang sudah mukadimah, aku takde niat nak bebel pun, but once i get the keyboard, it's hard to stop typing.. haha
ni mukadimah... menandakan aku bakal mem-publish entry raya dan put a lotttttttttttt of picturess yaww!
isnin starts the mid term exam, untill thursday. i dunno when i have some more time to create the raya entry.. but i try to bebeyh!
till then! bye~

tak sabar nk tengok muka ququ time die remaja nanty... :)
haha, macam cine :p
ququ si amoi toncet 2. hihihi. comel betul dia tu :)
toncet 2, perut pun boncet tau hani :p
gud luck to mid term ... nnt upload byk2 gmbar raye taw =]
kat fb dh byk dh upload :D
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